Monday 28 November 2011

What makes a good film pitch?

Pitch- A pitch is a concise verbal (and sometimes visual) presentation of an idea for a film or TV series generally made by a screenwriter or direct or to a producer or studio executive in the hope of altercating development finance to pay for the production.

To make a good film pitch questions that should be answered are:
  • What genre is your film?
  • What other films in this genre have inspired your film/is your film similar too?
  • Who is the target audience for your film?
  • When will your film be released (Summer, Spring, Autumn, Winter, awards season)?
  • How much money will your film cost ?
  • How much money will your film make?
  • Who will star in your film?
  • Who will direct your film?
High Concept Pitch- Brief one short sentence.

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